Question Types

Custom Forms support a range of question types. Each question type comes with its own set of parameters, providing flexibility in crafting your forms to suit specific requirements.

Note that This list will be continuously updated to provide users with the latest features for Custom Forms.

  • Open Ended Question: allows users to respond with free-form text.

  • Rating Question: prompts users to rate something on a scale.

    • Additional parameters include the minimum scale, maximum scale, and input type (Buttons or Select Menu).

  • Yes/No Question: A question with only two possible responses: Yes or No.

    • It has an input type parameter (Buttons or Select Menu).

  • Multiple Choice Question (Single Choice): Users choose one option from multiple options provided.

    • Parameters include the options and input type (Buttons or Select Menu).

  • Multiple Choice Question (Multiple Choices): Similar to the single-choice question, but users can choose multiple options.

    • It has parameters such as options and maximum choices.

  • Likert Scale Question: presents users with a scale, typically ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree.

    • Additional parameters include the input type (Buttons or Select Menu).

Last updated

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